Friday, June 8, 2012


Choropleth Map
This choropleth map shows the proportion of the U.S. population suffering from obesity in 2008. There are vast differences between the western and eastern states.
Proportional Symbol Map
This Proportional Symbol map displays the number of traffic fatalities in the U.S., by state, in 2009 using a circle as a symbol.
Dot Density Map
Dot Density maps are used to show the distribution of people for a particular variable. This map shows the number of deaths resulting from unintentional injuries by county in Oregon for the year 2007.
Topographic Map
This Topographic map shows varying levels of elevation throughout the United States.
Environmental Sensitivity Index Map
ESI (Environmental Sensitivity Index) maps provide a brief summary of coastal at-risk resources in the event that an oil/chemical spill occurs. They consist of three main types of information:

  Shoreline Classification:  relative exposure to wave and tidal energy; shoreline slope;  
  substrate type; and biological productivity and sensitivity.

  Biological Resources: oil-sensitive animals and habitats

  Human-Use Resources: high-use recreational and shoreline access locations;   
  management areas; resource extraction locations; and archaeological, historical, and
  cultural resource sites

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