Monday, July 9, 2012

Silent Spring

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Rachel Carson, author, biologist, and ecologist, played a pivotal role in the environmental movement. After grabbing the public’s attention with her book Silent Spring, published in 1962, Carson brought awareness to the public of the dangers associated with synthetic pesticides and the damage they can cause to the environment and ultimately the health of the public. Despite the chemical industry’s attempts to spitefully slander and discredit her, Carson boldly expressed her concerns and challenged the practices of agricultural scientists and the government. Carson insisted new policies be set forth to protect human health and the environment. Following her death from breast cancer, the production of DDT was banned and Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act, establishing the Environmental Protection Agency.

Both Carson and her book helped to expose the dangers of pesticide use and draw awareness to an important environmental issue, sparking one of many beginnings to environmental change to protect the environment and the public alike.  

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